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    Honing machine honing How to Trim?

    Problems: honing bad repair, processing out of roundness with straightness is beyond 0.005, how can we repair the bars better?

    Dressing method:
    1) The new mill shall have to stick after a good cylindrical grinder "regulation round," especially diamond grinding bar, if you want to regulate circular grinding tens of thousands of products it may be normal use. Regulation circle is to use the grinding tooling fixture, up from the bars, then grind the bars (average until). General grinding comes with this tooling factory, note first cylindrical grinding can be corrected when the mill. It should be noted that after the regulation round the bars also cannot guarantee that all the average attendance, or to pre-ground so few artifacts to the final amendment.
    2) The quality of the work piece fixture will seriously affect roundness and column degrees. Fixture must be corrected, and the spindle concentricity, sureness shall not be greater than 0.02.
    3) Column degree also concerned with your school trip should pay attention to adjust.
    上一篇:Honing machine knowledge introduction 下一篇:沒有了
    Website ©2015 Wuxi Yi Rui Machinery Co., Ltd. Copyright ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
    Contact: Yu Haibo (0) 13861855788 Tel: 0510-83691239 Fax: 0510-83690239 Postal Code: 214155 Email: sales@wx-yr.com Q Q: 451055015 Address: Yang Shan Town, Wuxi


